Publication Ethics

Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System as a journal publisher is using the baseline of the basic principles in doing the journal publication, which refers to Elsevier. Some of the principles used in journal publications are:

  1. Paper published is the result of author own work
  2. The paper has not been published in any journals, magazines, or the previous proceedings.
  3. The author uses the reference journal writing in accordance with the Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System’s template 
  4. The order of the author's name (if the author of more than one) is in a sequence of contribution oduring writing the paper
  5. The paper sent to Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System is not currently in the review process by another publisher
  6. The result is written on paper contributes to the development of science

The author is obliged to consider matters relating to the funding of research, consent to display the name of case studies related to the privacy of the object of research, and other related things.

There are some policies that exist in Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System with reference to existing Publication Ethics, among others:

  1. Policy related to deceitfulness from author
    This policy aims to anticipate the occurrence of errors in the study that written in the journal. Given policy is by providing guidelines that can support research integrity and ethics in research.
  2. Criteria for the deceitfulness from author
    Criteria for the deceitfulness from author that related to falsification, plagiarism of data, publish other people's research, which are:
    • Both identity and information falsification of data, equipment, processes used in research
    • The use of other people's research data without agreement
    • The use of other people's ideas without agreement
    • Inclusion of the author's name, which refers to the contribution made in the study or research or writing the name on a piece of gratitude
    • Manipulate the data that it interferes in the investigation that is likely to endanger for others
    • Any aberrant activity that is not accepted by the community related to research and other scientific activities
    • Research must follow and refer to the norms prevailing in society
  3. The identification process related deceitfulness
    Publisher has duty of following things:
    • Conduct a review related to the quality and suitability of papers with the applicable provision
    • Identify the suitability of the literature used in the paper
    • Identify the relevant papers publishing in multiple publications
  4. What the editors do in related of deceitfulness
    • Confirm the mistakes made to the author
    • Notification to relevant agencies or institutions in the research funders
    • The results of an investigation carried out is the responsibility of supporting institutions and writer
  5. The sanctions
    • When the journal has not been published yet then can be refused to publish through Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System
    • When the journal had published the article may be lifted from the pages replaced by an affidavit from the author related to the deceitfulness and its apology and signed on the stamp to know the editor of Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System
    • The author may not post journals back to Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System
    • Editor gives this error information to another publisher