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Author Guidelines

General information

Submitting a manuscript, the author is obliged to conduct regristration on the system. General provisions used in submit journal is the suitability of the topic of the journal in the scope of industrial engineering (Business and strategy, decision analysis, Engineering economy, cost estimation, Environmental issues, facility location, layout, design, materials handling, Human factors, ergonomics, safety, Human resources management, ICT and information systems, Innovation, knowledge management, organizational learning, inventory, logistics, transportation, supply chain management, Manufacturing, control, automation, Product / process design and management, forecasting, production planning / control, Project / operations management , scheduling, Service systems / management, performance analysis, modeling / simulation, TQM / quality engineering, reliability / maintenance engineering).

Types of Paper

JEMIS (Journal of Engineering & Management in Industrial System) publishes articles from an original research paper, review paper, and case study. This all articles should have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere. All of manuscript that submitted should be in English.


Original research paper

Original research paper is a full reports from the data research. The article is classified as primary literature which report detailed research. The structure of this paper includes introduction, literature review and hypotheses, methods, results, findings, discussion, and conclussion sections.


Review paper

A review paper is an article that provides up-to-date and comprehensive summary of research on a certain area in Industrial enggineering. This articles discusses previous development from the topic, show the potential and the future development of implementation. Generally,  a review paper is usually long, at least consist of 8000 words and 100 primary research articles. 

Case study

A case study is an article compiled by Industrialist  which report specific, unique, and interesting phenomena in any cases on the Industrial Engineering field. The cases are usually those that contribute significantly to the knowledge in the field. This article is expected to discuss the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and problem solving or improvement on Industrial system.


General structure of paper

Manuscript Format

The Script should be arranged straightforward and clear. The minimum length of this paper should be in 10 pages and to be written in English in regards to good grammatical writing. The page does not need to have page numbering. The Script should be written using Microsoft Office Word (*.doc or *.docx) single spaced in A4 size letter (210 mm x 297 mm) with top and bottom margins 2.5 cm, left margin 3 cm and right margins 2.5 cm. Use Times New Roman 11 pt for the entire script. The text layout should be written using one coloumn. The script should be presented in several chapter, starting from introduction (25%), methodology, analysis (65%), Conclusion (10%) and references. Introduction consist of background, problems, and previous research.

Manuscript Title

Title of the paper is written brief with no more than 15 words and can represent the whole of the paper. It is written in capital letters without including a case study location.


The name of the main authors, and member lists should be written in full with affiliation origin of each of the author.


This section is written in English containing summary of the paper including the result of  the research. Abstract containing research description without reference. The abstract should consist of a single paragraph containing at least 150 words using Times New Roman 10 pt and justified. Keywords have to contain around 3 – 5 words. Keywords should reffer to the research object, root of the problem, and method.


The introduction of a manuscript consist of there important issues. First, discuss about the problem, urgency, and a brief overview of the literature relating to the research topic. This is generally written descriptively, beginning from general issue and slowly focusing on the specific work being done. It is usually requires several paragraphs beginning with one or two paragraphs that introduce the reader to the field of the problem under investigation in general. Second, in the next paragraph explains the urgency which more specific to the focus of the reseach. Last, the gap explanation from previous publication (primary source) that will be filled by the research. The experimental question also explain in this issue and will be answered by the study.


The research method explain the methods used in the study. The method includes the statement of the materials used in the study, the participants, the procedures, the techniques used in the data retrieval, and the analysis techniques. If the research uses a particular experimental design, the method part also includes the design/set up of the research. Similarly, for literature research, theoretical or modeling components are also clearly contained in this section.

Result and discussion

The results present the result of analysis for the data to the reader. The results (which are also research findings) are generally explained based on the approach that previously told in the method. Tables and figures also could be used to support the result explanation with interesting and clear (high resoultion which at least 300 dpi). The  discussion section contains the comparison of the result with the others previous research and interpretations of research results to give meaning to the reader. The authors also should tell the limitation of the study so it can provide guidance for further research. All figures and tables need further explanation to reveal the truth.

Acknowledgements (If needed)

Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those has contribution including organizational or individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.).


The conclusion discuss the summary of the research findings. In general, this will answer the research question.  Then, followed by the main points of the discussion. It contain the result value of  data processing thant led into analysis./ A conclusion ends with a statement about how the research work contributes to the field of study as a whole.


The references are contain at least 20 primary sources (Journal). The contain of this script should be corresponding to references mention in the end of this paper. The references should be written in IEEE style (For more information please visit ). The citation system for the references should use the references management system such as mendeley. This are the example of reference:

[1] C. W. Li and G. J. Wang, "MEMS manufacturing techniques for scaffolding devices," in Mems for Biomedical Applications, S. Bhansali and A. Vasudev, Eds. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2023, pp. 192-217.

[2] R. B. Nelson, R. J. Davis, D. R. Lutz, and W. Smith, “Optical generation,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, no. 2, Feb., pp. 1144-1149, 2023


Manuscript/paper template



Please write your manusciprt in good English (please choose one from American or British style,  mixture of these are not allowed). Authors could use the English Language Editing service to improve the quality of the manuscript with eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors. The publisher also provide Articles sent in Bahasa Indonesia will be edited and translated with a fee that will be charged to the authors (proofreading costs around IDR 80,000.00 per page with times new roman style, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing and 3,5 , 3, 3, 3 margins).


Tables dan Figures

Tables and figures presented in the center of the script. Tables and readable figures (high resoultion which at least 300/500 dpi) should fit the columns. If it does not fit the columns, tables and figures should be placed on top or bottom of the page.

Equation / Preposition

Equation / preposition is to be written using Microsoft Equation. Every equation / Preposition must be numbered and located on the right side as shown in equation 1.


Use the International Units system


Algorithm and Program

Algorithm or coding should be written in textbox and presented as picture. Algorithm and coding should be written using Courier New 9 pt with top, left, bottom, and right margin 0.1 cm.


Automotive Experiences using IEEE style. Citation and reference systems must use the Reference Management System such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.