Lenny Fibriani, Annisa Kesy Garside, Ikhlasul Amallynda


A company engaged in the garment industry is facing problems that inhibit the production process. These problems comprise an excess of product defects beyond the specified limits, a considerable rate of product returns, delays in product shipment, and disorderly arrangements in storing raw material. This study aims to determine the root causes of problems and provide recommendations for improvement using the concept of lean six sigma. The waste assessment model is used to identify the dominant waste, while the value stream analysis tools is a method used to analyze the causes of the dominant waste. From the research results, four dominant wastes are identified, namely waste defects, unnecessary inventory, waiting and unnecessary motion, with percentages of 27.02%, 15.92%, 14.32% and 14.0% respectively. The results of the analysis using mapping tools show the details of waste in each dominant waste. Proposed recommendations for improvement are made using the failure mode and effect analysis based on the highest risk priority number for each dominant waste. The recommendations proposed by the researchers include implementing a standard operating procedure and work instruction for the sewing process; scheduling machine maintenance using reliability centered maintenance II; planning and scheduling materials using material requirement planning; implementing line balancing; and designing name tags, visual displays, and storage rack layout.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21776/ub.jemis.2023.011.02.7


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