Arifin Arifin, Ishardita Pambudi Tama, Yeni Sumantri


The development of the manufacturing industry is increasing every year, of course this makes competition in the manufacturing industry increasingly stringent. This research was conducted at PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Gresik, focused on CNC Turning machines with the type CNC Lathe Machine XTRA 420, namely machines used to produce various types of automotive parts and based on data collected regarding the effectiveness of the machine, it shows that the machine has not fully worked effectively. This is indicated by the presence of downtime data, engine speed reduction data, and product data that does not meet specifications. To find out how good the effectiveness of a machine is, it can measure the OEE value of the machine.. It can be concluded that the effectiveness rate (OEE) of CNC Turning machines in the January-August 2022 period is between 54.16% to 59.91% with an average of 57.55% (still below the ideal OEE value of 85%) with a percentage six big losses of 42.45%.


Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE); Defect Product;CNC Lathe Machine XTRA 420

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